Our Mission
Spirit at Play’s mission is to provide the essential tools of childhood to help cultivate a community of healthy minds, bodies, and spirits.

Our Philosophy
We at Spirit at Play embrace childhood: Children are little only once. We plant licorice in our garden. We come to school in our pajamas. We listen to each other. We laugh together. We hug tears away.
We believe in the power of play: We climb trees. We build sand castles. We get muddy in puddles. Being young is magical! Our imaginations blossom. We save the world!
Children are treasured for their unique spirits: “I am special. I have my own eyes and hands and body. With them I can do anything! I can build a sand castle or cross the monkey bars or hop like a frog. And I can make my own choices. I am important and have power within myself. I am wonderful just as I am!”
We learn to take care of ourselves and to take care of each other: “Watch, I can zip my coat all by myself! Do you need any help with that? I am really strong!”
We overcome challenges through determination: “I know I can cross the monkey bars if I try like the butterfly.”
We solve problems through communication: “I felt sad when you wouldn’t play with me. How can I take care of you? What do you need to feel better? How do you want to be treated next time?”
We value our families. We invite people we love to share our joy: Tea parties, celebrations, potlucks, singalongs, field trips, plays, conferences, committees, work parties.
We build relationships with our community: Missoula Food Bank donations, Mountain Bus Line patrons, fundraising for Soft Landing Missoula. Visits to Spectrum Museum, Natural History Center, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, the Public Library, police and fire stations. Participants in Mismo Gymnastics, Soccer Tots, Downtown Dance Collective, clay & ceramic classes, Glacier Ice Rink, and Currents Swimming.
We lessen our footprint on the earth by teaching the value of reducing, reusing and recycling: We support the Clark Fork River Coalition, community garbage cleanups, composting and recycling on site, idle-free parking lots, the Sustainable Business Council, compostable and earth friendly products, and try to decrease our plastic use every day.
We explore our surroundings and cultivate awareness of all within: Field trips to local parks, trails, mountains, and river paths.
“Harm no living thing: Ladybug, Nor butterfly, Nor moth with dusty wing. Nor cricket chirping cheerily, Nor grasshopper so light of leap, Nor dancing gnat, Nor beetle fat, Nor harmless worms that creep.” — Christina Rossetti